My sincere thanks go to
- Peter Andrease for building and maintaining the website
- James Canton at the University of Essex
- Hetty Saunders at the University of Essex
- Steve Grimwade for photographs of peregrines. See his website at Swallow Birding
- My dear wife Winifred for her help and support and my son, Peter, for his support and walking the walks with us!
Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders of the material on this website and I hope that no copyright has been infringed. Apology is made and pardon sought if the contrary be the case, and a correction will be made the next time the website is updated.
No endorsement or assistance has been received from any of the publishers of J A Baker’s works or from any of the authors or critics mentioned.
Contact Me
Please contact me, David Simmonds, with your comments and suggestions about this website. If you have any photographs that you would like me to consider including, then please send them to me by email.